Voith Siemens Hydro Receives $300M Order for Ohio River Projects

Published on: June 24, 2008

Voith Siemens Hydro and American Municipal Power-Ohio (AMP-Ohio) have signed a contract for the complete supply of equipment on a hydroelectric project that will add more than 208 megawatts (MW) of emission-free generation to existing dams on the Ohio River.

The new generation facilities are planned to go on-line in 2012.

AMP-Ohio President and CEO Marc Gerken said the organization will develop three run-of-the-river hydroelectric plants at existing dams on the Ohio River. The sites are Willow Island Locks and Dam near Waverly, West Virginia; Cannelton Locks and Dam near Cannelton, Indiana; and, Smithland Locks and Dam in Livingston County, Kentucky. Combined, these three projects, totaling eight bulb machines, have an expected capacity of 208 MW.

Voith Siemens Hydro President and CEO, E. Mark Garner said, "These projects represent the largest order in our 131 year history in the United States. The order value will exceed $300 million. This also clearly demonstrates our ability of total plant expertise beyond equipment know-how," Garner added. "Having secured this contract, we will manufacture many of the turbine components in York, Pennsylvania and may consider the possibility of opening a new Ohio manufacturing plant contingent upon appropriate state incentives. This will also create many new jobs in York, Pennsylvania."

AMP-Ohio President, Marc Gerken, said, "We are pursuing an aggressive plan to significantly increase hydro capacity; it is part of an asset-based strategy that includes fossil fuel, hydroelectric and other renewable resources such as wind and landfill gas generation."

Gerken said, "The energy of water flowing over the dams on the Ohio River has been largely untapped."

About Voith Siemens Hydro

Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation is a Group Division of Voith–with a workforce of approximately 3,000 employees and an order intake of more than $1.5 billion in the past year. The company is a leader in hydro power equipment. Founded on 1 January 1867, with approximately 37,000 employees worldwide, a turnover of 4.2 billion Euros and more than 270 locations, Voith is one of Europe’s largest family owned companies.

About AMP-Ohio

AMP-Ohio is the Columbus, Ohio-based nonprofit wholesale power supplier and services provider for 122 member municipal electric systems in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. The organization provides a diverse mix in its wholesale generation resources, which in addition to fossil fuel, includes wind, hydroelectric, landfill gas and distributed generation.

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