PowerShares Wind ETF to List on Nasdaq

Published on: June 26, 2008

Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC, a provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), announced the anticipated listing of a global wind energy portfolio. The new ETF is expected to list on The Nasdaq Stock Market.

The anticipated ticker symbol and ETF portfolio name are PWND and PowerShares Global Wind Energy Portfolio.

The portfolio is based on the
NASDAQ OMX Clean Edge® Global Wind Energy Index. This index includes
companies that are primarily manufacturers, developers, distributors,
installers and users of energy derived from wind sources.

The Index
selects companies listed on global stock exchanges and uses a modified
market capitalization-weighted methodology, with consideration to
trading volume and float-adjusted market capitalization minimums. The
index is reconstituted semi-annually and rebalanced quarterly.

"Wind power is among the largest emerging clean energy sources on the planet, and our goal with PWND is to give investors a more innovative and precise way to access this important sector, along with the inherent structural benefits of an ETF," said Bruce Bond, president and CEO of Invesco PowerShares.

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