Major Canadian and U.S. RFPs

Published on: June 20, 2008

Vancouver, B.C.-based BC Hydro and U.S. utility Duke Energy (NYSE:
DUKE) have announced major requests for proposals (RFP) for clean,
renewable energy sources. 

B.C. Hydro is targeting up to 5,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of
renewable energy per year from large projects, including hydro, wind,
solar and geothermal energy. 

To participate, a power facility must meet British Columbia’s
guidelines for clean or renewable energy. Resulting power purchase
agreements will be filed with the British Columbia Utilities
Commission. More information is available at the BC Hydro website.

Duke Energy Ohio announced that it is seeking proposals for renewable
energy resources to begin delivering energy in the 2009-2012 time
period to comply with requirements under Ohio’s new renewable energy
portfolio standards.

The company is seeking 1,000 megawatt hours (MWh) for 2009,
increasing to 15,000 MWh in 2012. It is also seeking 60,000 MWhfrom
"other renewables" in 2009, ramping up to 340,000 MWh in 2012.

The Ohio energy law recently signed by Governor Strickland requires
Ohio utilities to generate 50% of their renewable power from facilities
located in the state. As a result, the company will give preference to
renewable power produced in Ohio.

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