Largest Solar Affordable Housing Community Dedicated

Published on: June 11, 2008

The ribbon has been cut for the largest solar affordable housing community in the U.S.

The 24-building, 378-unit complex sited on 25 acres, features a 908 kW solar installation which will produce almost a megawatt of energy.

The $7 million project will reduce utility costs for this large, family complex, while helping the city of Richmond meet almost 20% of its 5 MW goal for usage of solar power.

Berkeley, CA.-based Sun Light and Power installed and manages the system which consists of 4,323 SunPower 210 W modules and 180 SunPower M Series inverters.

Crescent Park is currently undergoing a $70 million restoration by EAH Housing. It has been awarded the HUD "Best Practices" Award for its Computer Learning Center, which provides access to technology to very low-income residents.

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