International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance Formed

Published on: June 10, 2008

Eight of the world’s leading carbon reduction and offset providers have formed the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA).

The organization was created to build support for standards within the voluntary carbon offset market, and to provide a more unified voice in policy discussions. 

Jonathan Shopley, ICROA Co-Chair in the United Kingdom, said, “All member companies have formally agreed to adhere to a Code of Best Practice, which will ensure that members follow credible carbon management practices.

Some key elements of the ICROA Code of Best Practice include: 

  • Measure carbon footprints according to accepted international standards
  • Set emissions reduction targets based on scientific assessments
  • Assess and implement both internal and external emissions reduction opportunities, the “reduce-and-offset” approach
  • Use credible offset projects, where offsetting is appropriate to meet emissions reduction targets
  • Use offsets that meet the following principles: Real, Measurable, Permanent, Additional, Independently verified, and Unique
  • capture and destruction of methane (a potent greenhouse gas) from landfills and agricultural waste
  • introduction of energy efficiency measures that reduce reliance on the combustion of fossil fuels, which emits CO2
  • development of clean, non-polluting renewable energy
  • planting or protection of forests to store CO2

According to Tom Stoddard, ICROA Co-Chair in the United States, “ICROA will be an international voice to encourage the development and use of real and verified carbon offsets. Such offsets channel financial support to projects that will achieve significant, near-term GHG reductions.”

ICROA intends to be active in policy discussions. “In addition to pushing for high standards, ICROA will also advocate for greater transparency in the carbon reduction industry,” Stoddard said. ICROA members currently serve thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of individuals.

The founding ICROA member companies are:

  • TerraPass, San Francisco, Calif.
  • NativeEnergy, Charlotte, Vermont.
  • Carbon Clear, London.
  • The CarbonNeutral Company, London.
  • ClimateCare, Oxford, UK.
  • Climate Friendly, Sydney, Australia.
  • co2balance, Somerset, UK.
  • targetneutral, London UK.

Initially the ICROA Code of Best Practice recognises three standards for offsets as being of sufficient quality: Voluntary Carbon Standard, Gold Standard, and Clean Development Mechanism/Joint Implementation.


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