Information Technology Can Cut Global Emissions 15% by 2020 – Report

Published on: June 23, 2008

Transformation in the way people and businesses use technology could reduce annual man-made
global emissions by 15% by 2020 and deliver energy efficiency savings to global businesses of more than US$800 billion, according to a new report.

While the Information and Communication Technology’s (ICT) own sector footprint–currently 2% of global emissions–will almost double by 2020, ICT’s  ability to monitor and maximize energy efficiency could cut greenhouse gas emissions by
up to five times this amount, according to the report, published by non-profit The Climate Group and the
Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI).

This represents a saving of 7.8 Giga-tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2020–greater than the current annual emissions of either the US or China.

Although tele-working, video-conferencing, e-paper, and e-commerce are increasingly commonplace, the report notes that
replacing physical products and services with their virtual equivalents (dematerialisation and substitution) is only one part (6%) of the estimated low carbon benefits the ICT sector can deliver.
Far greater opportunities for emissions savings exist in applying ICT to global infrastructure and industry and the report
examines four major opportunities where ICT can make further transformational cuts in global emissions.

These exist globally
within smart building design and use, smart logistics, smart electricity grids, and smart industrial motor systems.

The report–SMART 2020: enabling the low carbon economy in the information age is available online.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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