94% of Americans Want Solar

It’s no surprise, but still important, that a new poll shows Americans overwhelming support development and funding of solar energy.

The national survey commissioned by SCHOTT Solar Barometer finds:

– 98% of Independents, 97% of Democrats, and 91% of Republicans support development of solar.

– 74% of Independents, 72% of Democrats and 72% of Republicans favor extension of Federal tax credits for renewable technologies. Only 8% of Americans believe the ITC should not be extended.

– 77% of Americans feel Federal government should make solar power development a national priority. Independent voters felt strongest about this, with 86% supporting the statement.

When asked which one energy source they would support if they were President, 41% of Americans picked solar. Solar and wind together were favored nearly 20 times more than coal (3 percent).

"These results are an undeniable signal to our elected leaders that Americans want job-creating solar power, now," said Rhone Resch, President of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

If the solar tax credit is allowed to expire at the end of the year, Navigant Consulting says it would translate into the loss of 39,000 jobs, as well as the loss of nearly $8 billion in investments. When wind is included, 116,000 jobs and $19 billion in investment are at risk, according to the report.

"When you consider that, according to the American Solar Energy Society, nearly 7,000 gigawatts (GW) of solar generation capacity exists in the American Southwest, America is truly a sleeping giant," said Dr. Fine. "Americans want to wake this giant up."

The solar industry is at a pivotal point – the silicon shortage is widely predicted to end in 2009, reducing the cost of solar panels by as much as a third by 2010.

Most solar manufacturers are locked into long term silicon contracts, so there will be a lag between the increased availability of silicon and lower prices.

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