20 Solutions to Global Warming

Published on: June 23, 2008

Transit-oriented development is the practice of building communities where residents can use a variety of transportation modes to get to and from work. It was embraced by the city of Arlington, Virginia, resulting in the reduction of some 35,000 single-passenger automobile trips each day. This community planning success is one of 20 solutions to global warming highlighted in a new report released by Environment America.

The report examines cutting-edge policies and practices that communities, states, and countries are using to reduce global warming pollution.

"Solutions to global warming are already at work in cities and states across the nation," said Environment America Federal Global Warming Program Director Emily Figdor. "We know what we need to do. Our leaders in Congress just need to step up."

Other highlights of the report include:

  • Texas has added more than 4,000 megawatts (MW) of wind power generating capacity in the last decade. Wind power now produces about 3% of Texas’ electricity, enough to avoid about 8 million metric tons of global warming pollution per year.
  • New Jersey doubled its solar power generating capacity within just two years through aggressive public policies that promote solar panels on rooftops in the Garden State.
  • California uses 20% less energy per capita than it did in 1975, thanks to strong energy efficiency policies for buildings and appliances.
  • Wisconsin avoids about 200,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution per year through its innovative programs to promote energy efficiency in industry–programs that also help save businesses money and keep energy efficiency jobs within the state.
  • Portland, Oregon, has doubled the number of bicyclists on city streets in just six years through investments in bicycle infrastructure and bike-friendly transportation policies. The percentage of people who bike to work in Portland is now eight times the national average.
  • Southeastern Pennsylvania saw a 20% increase in the number of riders on energy efficient trains linking Harrisburg-Philadelphia, following investments that increased travel speeds along the line.

The report also identifies other nations that have made significant progress that could be reproduced in the United States. For instance:

  • Germany recycles 60% of its municipal waste (compared to 32% in the United States) and has kept its garbage output steady for nearly two decades thanks to policies that put the responsibility for recycling waste on product manufacturers and not individual consumers and taxpayers.
  • In Israel, more than 90% of homes use solar water heaters, which dramatically reduce the need for natural gas or electricity for water heating. Israel requires that all new homes come equipped with solar water heaters.
  • Copenhagen, Denmark, has revitalized its downtown by giving pedestrians and bicycles preference over cars in large parts of its city center. Walking and cycling now account for more than 40% of all trips made in Danish urban areas.
  • Spain has sparked the creation of new renewable energy industries through aggressive clean energy policies. Spain now ranks third in the world for installed wind power capacity and is the world’s fourth leading market for solar photovoltaics.

In addition, the report documents that communities and states across the country are laying the groundwork for even larger changes in the years ahead:

The report recommends that cities, states and the federal government build upon the successes of these efforts by setting mandatory, science-based caps on global warming pollution, adopting strong clean energy policies, and investing in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

"We have the solutions to combat global warming. What is missing is the commitment on the part of our leaders in Congress to implement these solutions on a broad scale and to do what is necessary to respond to the challenge of global warming," Figdor said.

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