Waste Management To Fuel Trucks with Trash

Published on: May 2, 2008

Waste Management Inc. (NYSE: WMI), in a joint venture with The Linde Groupe (LING.DE), plans to build the world’s biggest plant to covert landfill gas into fuel for its 300 trash and recycling vehicles in California.

The plant will cost about $15 million dollars and is expected to begin operating in Livermore, California in 2009.

Linde is responsible for the engineering of the plant as well as the cleaning and subsequent liquefaction of the landfill gas. Waste Management, North America’s leading recycling and waste management company, is supplying the landfill gas–which comes from the natural decomposition of organic waste. It is expected that the plant will produce around 130,000 gallons of liquid biogas per day.

Waste Management has previously said it intends to create an additional 60 renewable energy facilities over the next five years in North America. The company already has 300 landfill gas-to-energy facilities in operation. 

"This project is an outstanding example of our commitment to the production and further development of alternative energy sources. By collecting landfill gas and turning it into an environmentally friendly fuel, we are relieving the strain on the environment and at the same time reducing CO2-emissions", explained Kent Masters, a member of the Executive Board of Linde AG and responsible for the company’s business in North America.

The project will receive grant assistance from the California Integrated Waste Management Board, the California Air Resources Board, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District.


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