Target Offers First Eco-Friendly Apparel Line

Published on: May 5, 2008

Popular retailer Target Corp. (NYSE: TGT) will introduce its first line of eco-friendly apparel this summer, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

The 60-piece line, which uses 100% certified organic cotton and other natural fibers, was commissioned from designer Rogan Gregory, and will first appear in Barney’s stores in New York and Los Angeles before appearing nationwide at Target outlets.

The line is part of Target’s Go International program, which features moderately priced apparel from high-profile designers for limited time periods of about six weeks.

Gregory says the Target collection helps make the organics-apparel movement "more democratic" by offering items at significantly lower prices. Items in his Loomstate line for Barneys include $68 dollar T-shirts and $235 dollar hoodies. By contrast, sweaters and swimsuits in the Target collection will range from $15 to $45.

Fabrics made from natural fibers and 100% certified organic cotton cost 15% more than nonorganic fabrics, while finished garments generally carry a 5% premium, Gregory said. However, with Targets leveraged buying power, the designer said he was able to produce the apparel at lower costs.

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