RFPs in Florida and Rhode Island

Published on: May 16, 2008

Utilities in Florida and Rhode Island have announced requests for proposals (RFPs) to develop renewable energy in those states.

Tampa, Florida-based Seminole Electric Cooperative Inc. is seeking up to 250 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy to help meet growing demand within its member systems and to diversify its resource portfolio.

The cooperative is open to proposals from all providers including independent power producers, renewable energy providers, exempt wholesale generators, qualifying facilities as defined under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act and electric utilities.

No proposal fee is being charged. Submissions are due by June 13. Specifics are available at the Seminole Electric website.

Rhode Island’s nonprofit green power provider, People’s Power& Light (PP&L) is seeking long-term contract proposals from wind developers who intend to respond to the state’s RFP to build a wind farm of the coast.

PP&L wants to secure the option to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) generated by the future project.

"We think that some reasonable portion of this project, particularly in its early years, should be allocated to the voluntary market so that Rhode Islanders can support clean energy development with 100% of their electricity consumption," says Omay Elphick, deputy director of PP&L. "With our market-priced long-term contracts, PP&L is a natural bridge between clean energy developers and Rhode Islanders who want to support clean energy with their utility dollars."

For more info, go to ripower.org.

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