Google Map Illustrates Effects of Global Warming

Published on: May 20, 2008

Google has created an animated map of the earth illustrating the potential impact of climate change. The project, Climate Change in Our World, allows users to see earth, as if from space and view time-lapse changes that depict rising sea levels as predicted by medium-case scenarios up through the year 2100.

Google created the project in cooperation with Britain’s environmental ministry and the country’s Met Office.

"This project shows people the reality of climate change using estimates of both the change in the average temperature where they live, and the impact it will have on people’s lives all over the world," said environment secretary Hilary Benn.

"By helping people to understand what climate change means for them and for the world we can mobilize the commitment we need to avoid the worst effects by taking action now," he said.

The map can be viewed on computers that have downloaded the Google Earth application. The map illustrates the greatest temperature increases at the polar ice caps, where large sections turn red indicating double-digit temperature increases.

The map also gives specific information on local impacts and actions people can take to lessen their contribution to global warming.

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