Duke Energy To Invest $100M in Roof-Top Solar

Published on: May 12, 2008

Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) said it wants to invest $100 million in a roof-top solar energy program to help meet its renewable energy requirements, according to a report in the Charlotte Business Journal.

The utility is following the lead of Southern California Edison, which announced a $250 million dollar plan to install solar energy systems on commercial rooftops earlier this year.

Duke said it intends to work with businesses and residential customers, as it attempts to reach the 12.5% renewable energy goal set by North Carolina for the year 2021. However, few details were offered.

Duke said it will ask the North Carolina Utilities Commission this summer for permission to invest money in rooftop solar to help fill the required portion of renewable energy in its electricity-producing portfolio.

Duke CEO Jim Rogers said excess energy from customer’s solar systems would be dispatched to the electric grid.

He also said the company is exploring options to own wind-power facilities. Duke bought Tierra Energy last year, which is developing up to 1,000 megawatts of capacity for its commercial operation–though not for its utilities.


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