DOE Report Says Wind Can Provide 20% of U.S. Electricity by 2030

Published on: May 13, 2008

Reducing the cost of wind technologies, citing new transmission infrastructure and enhancing domestic manufacturing capability are the keys to producing 20% of U.S. electricity with wind power by 2030, according to a new report released by the U.S Department of Energy (DOE).

The first-of-its kind report, titled "20 Percent Wind Energy by 2030," also states that 7.6 cumulative gigatons of CO2 could be avoided by 2030, saving 825 million metric tons in 2030 and every year thereafter if wind energy achieves 20% of the nation’s electricity mix.

The report presents an in-depth analysis of the potential for wind in the U.S. and outlines a potential scenario to boost wind electric generation from its current production of 16.8 gigawatts (GW) to 304 GW by 2030.

Highlights of the report include:

  • Achieving 20% wind will require the number of annual turbine installations to increase from approximately 2000 in 2006 to almost 7000 in 2017.
  • 20% wind can be reliably integrated into the grid for less than 0.5 cents per kWh.
  • Although demand for copper, fiberglass and other raw materials will increase, achieving 20% wind is not limited by the availability of raw materials.
  • Issues related to siting and cost allocation of new transmission lines to access the nation’s best wind resources will need to be resolved.

DOE’s Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Kevin Kolevar said, "In many cases, the most robust sources of renewable resources are located in remote areas, and if we want to be able to deliver these new clean and abundant sources of energy to population centers, we will need additional transmission."

With the U.S. leading the world in new wind installations and having the potential to be the world leader in total wind capacity by 2010, DOE’s report comes at an important time in wind development.

Last year, U.S. cumulative wind energy capacity reached 16,818 megawatts (MW)–with more than 5,000 MW of wind installed in 2007. Wind contributed to more than 30 percent of the new U.S. generation capacity in 2007, making it the second largest source of new power generation in the nation–surpassed only by natural gas. The U.S. wind energy industry invested approximately $9 billion in new generating capacity in 2007, and has experienced a 30% annual growth rate in the last 5 years.


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