DOE Announces $130M Funding Opportunity for Fuel Cells

Published on: May 29, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for up to $130 million over three years to advance the development and use of fuel cells for automotive, stationary and portable power applications.

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy John Mizroch said, "Hydrogen fuel cell research and development is a critical component of our comprehensive strategy to commercialize and deploy advanced clean, renewable technologies that will allow us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and become less reliant on carbon-based fossil fuels."

In addition to seeking proposals for R&D projects in the areas of transportation, stationary, and portable power, DOE is also seeking proposals to demonstrate fuel cells in distributed energy systems and to support market transformation that provide real-world operation data.

The Department anticipates making up to 50 awards through this competitive funding opportunity, which is open to industry, universities, and national laboratories. With a minimum 20% private sector cost share for the R&D projects and a minimum 50% applicant cost share for the demonstration projects, the total DOE and private sector investment in advanced hydrogen fuel cell technologies under this funding opportunity may exceed $170 million.

Applications for the fuel cell funding opportunity are due on or before August 27, 2008, with funding subject to appropriations from Congress. For more information on this FOA, visit the Hydrogen Program website.

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