CEOs Urge G8 To Address Global Water Crisis

Published on: May 9, 2008

CEOs from 19 of the world’s largest companies are calling on G8 nations to urgently address the emerging global crisis in water and sanitation during the upcoming Hokkaido Toyako Summit in Japan on July 7-9.

In a letter released by the United Nations Global Compact Office, the business leaders endorsed the Compact’s CEO Water Mandate, launched by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in July 2007.

The letter states: "[I]t is increasingly clear that lack of access to clean water and sanitation in many parts of the world causes great suffering in humanitarian, social, environmental and economic terms, and seriously undermines development goals,"

The letter cites a recent United Nations Development Report, which argues that the costs to sub-Saharan African economies of not having basic universal access to water and sanitation represent about five percent of gross domestic product.

"Thus, water is not just an environmental issue–it is a poverty and development issue, an economic issue, and therefore a business issue," the letter said.

The business leaders urged the G8 leaders to work more actively with the international business community, through initiatives such as The CEO Water Mandate, and to re-affirm the importance of achieving the Millennium Development Goal related to water.

CEO signatories represent the following companies: Diageo; Hayleys PLC; Hindustan Construction Company; Läckeby Water AB; Levi Strauss & Co.; Liqum Oy; Metito (Overseas) Limited; Nestlé S.A.; Netafim Ltd.; PepsiCo, Inc.; SABMiller plc; Siemens AG; Suez; SunOpta Inc.; The Coca-Cola Company; The Dow Chemical Company; Unilever; Westpac Banking Corporation; WPP.

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