Around the States – Legislation and Veto Battle

Published on: May 2, 2008 is keeping an eye on various legislative proposals and battles playing out this month.

Wednesday we reported on Florida’s progressive energy bill, which is almost certain to bring a renewable portfolio standard, net metering, a renewable fuel standard and other effective measures to the citrus state.

Not to be outdone, Connecticut is on the verge of passing a bill to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions. Similar to laws already passed in California and Hawaii, the bill, which passed in the state House by a wide margin would require the state to cut emissions by 10% below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80% below 2001 levels by 2050.

This is the kind of brave legislative leadership we need on the federal level.

Kansas Coal Battle

Also providing strong leadership is Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius, whose veto of two proposed coal-fired power plants in her state is hanging on by a thread. The state Senate voted again to overturn her veto of a bill, which would have reversed a decision by her administration to deny permitting to two new coal-fired power plants.

However, Republicans in the state House were unable to gather enough votes to overturn the veto there, falling short by four votes.

Sebelius has now vetoed three legislative attempts to strip permitting authority from her administration and allow new coal-fired power plants to be built in the state.

South Carolina Efficiency

South Carolina residents may soon have some new incentives to conserve energy. The state Senate approved three bills with energy savings measures, including a proposal to eliminate sales tax on energy efficient appliances, light bulbs, doors and other items every year, during the month of October.

Other measures create larger tax rebates for people who buy manufactured houses meeting Energy Star efficiency requirements. And, if the bills pass in the state House, government agencies will be required to install efficient lighting and cut energy demands by 20% by 2020.

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