$100B in Investments Takes Renewable Energy Mainstream

Published on: May 8, 2008

Investment in renewable energy companies reached $100 billion last year, driven by high oil prices and government incentives, according to a UN report.

The annual Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment report said that $30 billion of that total was due to mergers and acquisitions led by investment banks including JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

"[Renewable Energy] is now a mainstream commercial interest to investors and bankers alike," Eric Usher, Head of the Energy Finance Unit at the UN.

As a result, IPOs are on the rise again, led by the emergence of numerous solar firms, after several quiet years following the dot-com boom.

Usher said the report proves beyond a doubt that renewable energy is not a "fringe interest of environmentalists."

"The finance community has been investing at levels that imply disruptive change is now inevitable in the energy sector," he said.



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