Wal-Mart Says Demand for Green Products Up in 2007

Published on: April 25, 2008

Wal-mart (NYSE: WMT) announced that its customers have increased purchases of the five eco-friendly products tracked in its Live Better Index by 66% from last year.

The retailer says this overall adoption rate, which measures sales compared to other products in the category, serves as a nationwide trend indicator of consumer demand for green products.

The data for April 2008 shows a 37% increase in adoption of organic milk and a 47% increase in adoption of compact fluorescent light bulbs since April 2007. The data for April 2008 shows a 37 percent increase in adoption of organic milk and a 47 percent increase in adoption of compact fluorescent light bulbs since April 2007.

Increases for each of the products over the last year are as follows:

1. Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs – Average adoption rate of 19.7% (up from 13.39% in 2007). Delaware leads the category with an adoption rate of 25.8%.

2. Organic baby food and formula – Average adoption rate of 4.12% (down from 4.31% in 2007). California continues to lead the category with an 8.58 percent adoption rate

3. Organic milk – Average adoption rate of 1.58% (up from 1.15% in 2007). Virginia has the highest adoption rate of organic milk at 2.7%

4. Extended life paper products – Average adoption rate of 67.5% (up from 50.77% in 2007). Minnesota has the highest adoption rate with 78.1%

5. Concentrated/reduced-packaging liquid laundry detergents – Average adoption rate of 76.3% (up from 22.86% in 2007). Oklahoma leads the category with an adoption rate of 96.3%

Wal-Mart plans to add new categories, including sustainable coffee and eco-friendly cleaning products–the retailer introduced Sam’s Choice coffee and Clorox Green Works lines to earlier this month.


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