Taxpayers Urged to Spend Rebates on Green Products

Published on: April 23, 2008

The Buy Green to Save Green campaign launched yesterday, calling on taxpayers to spend their economic stimulus checks on energy efficient products and services.

Sponsored by the Sierra Club and Representative Brian Baird (D-WA), the campaign says green spending will stimulate the economy, save consumers money on their energy bills, help fight global warming, and could double the financial benefit of their stimulus checks, if spent on products such as home insulation that are already eligible for additional tax credits.

The campaign also calls on retailers to offer promotions and other incentives to encourage consumers to participate in the campaign. Major retailers including Lowes, Home Depot, and Sears Holdings (Sears and KMart) have all endorsed the campaign. The House of Representatives will soon vote on Rep. Baird’s resolution (H.Res. 987) endorsing the campaign.

With over 100 co-sponsors, the resolution already enjoys widespread bipartisan support.

"This Earth Day the Sierra Club is telling people ‘We can do it!’ The Buy Green to Save Green campaign shows that when it comes to the economy and the environment, we can have our cake and eat it too, Sierra Cub Executive Director, Carl Pope, said. "The burgeoning clean energy economy can help put our country back on the path to prosperity, help protect consumers from skyrocketing energy costs, and fight global warming."


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