Scotland Offers $20M Prize for Renewable Ocean Power

Published on: April 3, 2008

Scotland is offering US$20 million in a contest for innovators from any nation to design environmentally friendly technology that harnesses tidal or wind power from the ocean.

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond announced The Saltire Prize yesterday, saying the goal is to put Scotland at the forefront of this young renewable energy technology, while driving investment in research.

"This will ensure Scotland will be at the forefront of the battle against climate change and the move toward a new energy era," Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond told an audience at the National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington, D.C.

"[We made a] decision to target an aspect of renewables that on one hand has amazing potential but is still in its infancy," he said.

In the effort to encourage innovation through award money, Scotland joins the X-Prize foundation, which has offered $10 million dollar awards for advancements in space flight, fuel efficient vehicles, genomics work and other pursuits.

Scotland has "unrivaled" natural resources, according to Salmond, who said the country of five million has 25% of Europe’s offshore wind resources and 10% of its wave potential.

For more information, read this article in The Independent that looks at a few British efforts to become the "Saudi Arabia of marine energy."


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