Rockefellers Call for Renewable Fuel Strategy at Exxon Mobil

Published on: April 30, 2008

John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil Co.–the precursor to Exxon Mobil–in 1870, now his descendants are calling on the company to become more forward thinking and adopt a renewable fuels strategy.

Fifteen of his family members are involved in four shareholder resolutions seeking changes at Exxon, according to a Reuters report. The resolutions call on the oil company to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of its operations and adopt a renewable energy policy.

Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, great granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller said Exxon Mobil is "profiting in the short term from investments and decisions made many years ago by focusing on the narrow path that ignores the rapidly shifting energy landscape around the world, including developing nations,"

She added that the company should reestablish the forward-thinking practiced by her great grandfather.

"Kerosene was the alternative energy of its day when he realized it could replace whale oil. Part of John D. Rockefeller’s genius was in recognizing early the need and opportunity for a transition to a better, cheaper and cleaner fuel," Goodwin said.

The shareholder resolutions will be addressed at Exxon’s annual meeting, scheduled for May 28.

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