Renewable Energy Marketers Form Trade Association

Published on: April 18, 2008

Organizations in the renewable energy industry have joined together to create the first trade association aimed at marketing the environmentally friendly power. The Renewable Energy Marketers Association (REMA) has formed with the goal of promoting the economic and national security benefits of domestic renewable energy.

REMA is comprised of organizations involved in the creation, supply, purchase, sale, advocacy of, and education about Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

The organization hopes to establish a more favorable operating environment, by providing a forum for discussion of non-competitive issues, and by providing information to assist member companies in their business.

REMA is currently comprised of 11 organizations: 3Degrees, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Community Energy, Conservation Services Group, Constellation NewEnergy, FPL Energy, Renewable Choice Energy, SmartPower, Sterling Planet, SunEdison and SunPower. 

REMA has also announced that Gabe Petlin of 3Degrees was elected as President, Tom Rawls of THR Associates was elected as Vice President, Cameron Brooks of Renewable Choice Energy was elected as Secretary and Claire Broido Johnson of SunEdison was elected as Treasurer.

SmartPower, the national, non-profit marketing organization, that promotes clean energy and energy efficiency will provide strategy and manage the day-to-day operations of REMA.

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