Proposed Transmission Line Would Link Northeast to Renewable Projects

Published on: April 8, 2008

Emera Inc. and National Grid announced a partnership to develop an electricity transmission line linking northern Maine and Maritime Canada to supply energy to the southern New England market. 

National Grid will join Emera Inc. and Spectra Energy, who are working to evaluate the feasibility of the Northeast Energy Link, which they say would provide the New England market with new access to a portfolio of existing and future renewable generation developments in both northern Maine and Atlantic Canada. 

"National Grid has significant electric transmission experience and a strong market presence in New England," said Chris Huskilson, President and CEO of Emera Inc. "This complements Emera’s market position in Atlantic Canada and Maine. Working together with National Grid we intend to play a role in New England’s future transmission development plans."

The new transmission infrastructure would be built in a multi-phase project that would initially provide for 660 MW of electricity transfer from Atlantic Canada and northern Maine directly to Massachusetts. 

About Emera

Emera Inc. (EMA-TSX) is an energy and services company with $4.2 billion in assets. Electricity is Emera’s core business. The company has two wholly-owned regulated electric utility subsidiaries, Nova Scotia Power Inc. and Bangor Hydro-Electric Company, which together serve 600,000 customers. Emera also owns 19% of St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited, which serves more than 50,000 customers on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. In addition to its electric utility investments, Emera has a joint venture interest in Bear Swamp, a 600 megawatt pumped storage hydro-electric facility in northern Massachusetts; a 12.9% interest in the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline; and Emera Energy Services which manages energy assets on behalf of third parties. 

About National Grid

National Grid is an international energy delivery company. In the U.S., National Grid delivers electricity to approximately 3.3 million customers in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island, and manages the electricity network on Long Island under an agreement with the Long Island Power Authority. National Grid is the largest power producer in New York State, owning 6,650 megawatts of electricity generation that provides power to over one million LIPA customers and supplies roughly a quarter of New York City’s electricity needs. It is also the largest distributor of natural gas in the northeastern U.S., serving approximately 3.4 million customers in New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.

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