New Green Mutual Fund Enters the Scene

Published on: April 15, 2008

ThinkCapital Management, LLC, recently announced the launch of their ThinkGreen mutual fund–one of three funds that mark the first offerings from the San Francisco-based management company.

The ThinkGreen Fund will invest in equity securities of any company worldwide that "helps the sustainability of our planet and helps to improve people’s health and well-being," the company said in a statement.

The Fund will invest in companies across various sectors with a focus on "Green Technology" and "Green Living" and which the advisor believes are growing rapidly and hold significant investment potential.

Stuart Pulvirent, co-portfolio manager of the ThinkFunds, which also include ThinkGrowth and ThinkGlobal, said "The major focus of the ThinkGreen Fund will be to invest in companies developing and applying new technologies to address greener energy generation or deployment such as: solar energy, wind power, bio-fuels, water purification, recycling and technology enhancements that reduce the environmental impact of existing processes." 

About ThinkCapital Management, LLC 

Based in San Francisco, California, ThinkCapital Management, LLC is an affiliate of the investment bank ThinkEquity Partners, LLC. 

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