Greenline Industries Raises $20M

Published on: April 11, 2008

Greenline Industries, Inc. an EPA award-winner in the design and construction of biodiesel production facilities, announced the completion of a $20 million Series A preferred stock financing round with Leaf Clean EnergyCompany (Leaf) (LEAF.L).

Greenline is a leading provider of modular waterless systems that produce biodiesel. Greenline facilities provide multiple feedstock choices through computer controlled continuous flow control technology that optimizes the mix of catalyst, methanol and oils.

Greenline pioneered the innovative technology that utilizes a patented Rohm and Haas ion-exchange resin to purify the biodiesel, thereby eliminating the energy intensive problems of removing process water from the fuel and treating the wastewater. 

This initial investment will allow Greenline to accelerateresearch and development to improve upon its existing technology and addnew products to reduce the costs to produce biodiesel, the company said.

About Greenline Industries, Inc.

Founded in 2002 by Jacques Sinoncelli and Michael Brown, the mission ofGreenline Industries is to decentralize power. They are a world leader ofEPA award-winning patented waterless biodiesel processors. At its core,Greenline Industries is committed to addressing the world’s environmentaland socio- economic issues with biodiesel production technology. Withoffices in the USA, Brussels, Romania, and Argentina, Greenline has soldmore than 30 biodiesel production lines with an aggregate productioncapacity of 200 million gallons of biodiesel. 

About Leaf Clean Energy Company

In 2007, EEA Fund Management Ltd teamed up with Shaw Capital, asubsidiary of the Shaw Group, to launch Leaf Clean Energy Company ("Leaf").The fund raised 200m Pounds Sterling and is listed on AIM in London. Leafwas incorporated for the purpose of acquiring interests in, owning,operating and managing clean energy companies and projects primarily inNorth America. The sector spans multiple industries, including wind energy,solar energy, energy efficiency, pollution control, emission creditaggregation, waste-to-energy, wave energy, biomass power and biofuels. 

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