Fiji Water Calculates Its Carbon Footprint

Published on: April 10, 2008

In another step to offset negative environmetal press aimed at bottled water industry, Fiji Water is disclosing the carbon footprint of its products. 

Fiji is the first privately-owned U.S. company to join the Carbon Disclosure Project Supply chain Leadership Collaboration, and it is challenging other companies in the industry to calculate their own carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Fiji determined that for the base year ending June 30, 2007 it’s total carbon footprint from production and distribution was 5,396 metric tons of CO2 equivalent. 

To measure its carbon footprint, Fiji says it calculated its carbon emissions across every stage in the product lifecycle: producing raw materials for packaging, transporting raw materials and equipment to the plant, manufacturing and filling bottles, shipping the product from Fiji to markets worldwide, distributing the product, refrigerating the product in stores, restaurants, and other outlets, and disposing/recycling of the packaging waste.

Fiji has launced a website containing emissions data for each of the company’s projects.

Last November, the company said it intends to go carbon negative by offsetting its carbon footprint by 120%. 



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