DOE Announces $38.5B in Loan Guarantees

Published on: April 14, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced plans to issue loan guarantee solicitations in two stages this summer for up to $38.5 billion for projects that employ advanced technologies that avoid, reduce or sequester emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases.

This will mark the second and third rounds of solicitations for DOE’s Loan Guarantee program for efficiency, renewable energy and electric transmission projects (up to $10 billion); nuclear power facilities (up to $18.5 billion); and nuclear facilities for the "front-end" of the nuclear fuel cycle, including uranium enrichment (up to $2 billion).

Later this summer, DOE intends to issue a third solicitation for loan guarantee applicants for advanced fossil energy projects (up to $8 billion).

"DOE’s Loan Guarantee program aims to accelerate the commercialization of innovative, environmentally-friendly technologies that will have a real impact on ensuring clean, affordable and reliable supplies of energy," David Frantz, Director of DOE’s Loan Guarantee Office, said. 

Prior to the issuance of the upcoming $10 billion solicitation for projects in the efficiency, renewable energy and electric transmission areas, the Department intends to issue a Request for Information to solicit input from stakeholders concerning areas of particular technology focus and interest in these areas.

These technologies could include renewable energy and energy efficient technologies, including advanced transmission and distribution technologies, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, energy efficient building technologies and applications, battery development, alternative vehicle technologies, and ocean wave/tidal, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass technology development.

Selection criteria for the clean energy projects under these solicitations will focus on the avoidance of emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants; the speed at which technologies can be commercialized; cost-saving potential for consumers; the prospect of repayment; and the potential for long-lasting success of these technologies in the marketplace.

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