China Plans Carbon Sequestration Power Plant for 2015

Published on: April 25, 2008

China plans to build a major coal-fired power plant employing carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) by 2015, according to a recent Reuters report.

The 400 megawatt project is being led by GreenGen, which is controlled by state-owned power firm Huaneng Group. GreenGen president Su Wenbin said the project in the coastal city of Tianjin, has avoided some of the funding difficulties of similar projects in the U.S. and Europe, because the Chinese government is committed to addressing climate change.

"In China our system is different. When we decide to do something we can just push on with it…we know we will get government support," Su said.

GreenGen plans to employ a coal gasification process, which removes carbon dioxide after the coal has been turned to gas. The process results in hydrogen gas that can directly fire a generator or be used in fuel cells.

Phase two of the project–construction of a small 20 MW CCS plant–will begin in 2010, according to the report. If successful, plans call for a commercial-scale demonstration to be begin construction in 2013.

The GreenGen group is made up of the major energy firms in China, including Datang Group, Huadian Corporation, Guodian Corporation and China Power Investment Corporation, and top coal miners Shenhua Group and China Coal Group, which all hold 6% stakes. Peabody Energy Corp, the only foreign partner, has another 6%.

Huaneng Group has a 52% stake, and stands to benefit the most, should the zero-emissions project succeed.

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