Wal-Mart Announces Climate-Specific Prototype Store

Published on: March 18, 2008

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) has introduced another prototype energy efficient store–this one designed specifically for the hot climate of Las Vegas–that the mega-retailer says will save up to 45% more energy than the baseline Wal-Mart Supercenter.

In January Wal-Mart announced plans for four new stores that would be roughly 25% more efficient.

The new high efficiency prototype, being called HE.5, is the first in a new series designed for specific climates, the company said. This facility is western climate-specific, meaning the efficiency gains are made possible by innovations designed for the conditions of the region.

"Wal-Mart is piloting new technologies, driving innovation and leveraging advances in building design to better align our stores with the communities we serve," said Charles Zimmerman, Wal-Mart vice president of Prototype and New Format Development. "We are committed to openly sharing our learnings with the retail industry and the world because being more energy efficient is something everyone can benefit from."

The HE.5 store features advancements in heating, cooling, refrigeration and lighting to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, the store takes the integrated water-source format system that Wal-Mart piloted in its other high efficiency stores and adapts it to the unique local climate by adding evaporative cooling and radiant flooring technologies. The new HE.5 system reduces the temperature of water naturally by pumping it through roof-mounted cooling towers then runs the cold water underneath the retail floor to cool the shopping area.

"The Western Cooling Efficiency Center at the University of California, Davis, applauds Wal-Mart’s cooling system design for the new Las Vegas store," said Richard Bourne, WCEC associate director. "We believe this is the most efficient cooling system implemented in a major retail facility. This project recognizes the very significant opportunity to integrate advanced natural cooling features in dry climates, thereby reducing the need to build new peak power generating plants."

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