Texas Utility Forms Sustainable Energy Advisable Board

Published on: March 20, 2008

Energy Future Holdings (EFH) announced the formation of a Sustainable Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), to guide the company, formally known as TXU Corp., in issues affecting the environment, customers, Texas economic development, and reliability/technology interests.

Creating the board was part of a commitment made when the company was acquired by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., TPG, Goldman Sachs and other investors last October.

In connection with the acquisition, EFH and its subsidiary companies made a range of commitments aimed at providing a more environmentally friendly and more sustainable supply of energy to the citizens of Texas.

Texas had the biggest one-year increase in CO2 emissions from power plants in 2007, according to a report released this week.

Notably, the SEAB will be chaired by EFH board member William Reilly, Chairman Emeritus of the World Wildlife Fund and former EPA Administrator, and will be comprised of eight additional members.

"I believe EFH will benefit from the knowledge and experience of each of these members, and the creation of the SEAB will allow for constructive discussion regarding the policies and practices of Energy Future Holdings," said Reilly. "The formation of this board demonstrates EFH’s commitment to doing business in a collaborative manner with interested stakeholders."

The additional board members are: Ralph Cavanagh, senior attorney and co-director of the Natural Resources Defense Council´s energy program, Reginald Gates, president and chief operating officer of the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, Karen Johnson, president and CEO of United Way of Texas, Sam Jones, former president and CEO of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Jim Marston, regional director of the Environmental Defense Fund´s Texas Office, Steven R. Specker, president and CEO of the Electric Power Research Institute and Phil Wilson, Texas Secretary of State.


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