NRG Energy Subsidiary Begins Construction on 122 MW Wind Farm

Published on: March 31, 2008

Padoma Wind Power LLC, a subsidiary of NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NRG) began construction last week on the Elbow Creek Wind Project, a 122-megawatt (MW) wind farm in Howard County near Big Spring, Texas.

Construction of the Elbow Creek Wind Project is expected to take nine months with commercial operation achieved by year end. The project will use 53 Siemens 2.3 MW wind turbine generators–enough to supply power to nearly 100,000 homes. 

"Elbow Creek will contribute to NRG’s ability to meet the state’s growing electricity demand in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner," said Thad Hill, President, NRG Texas. "Wind is an important part of the RepoweringNRG program in Texas, which is our $10 billion program to repower our State with cleaner nuclear, wind, gas and coal-fueled generation. We are proud to reinvest in Texas."

Last month, NRG announced a 50% partnership with BP Alternative Energy North America Inc. to build the first phase of the Sherbino Wind Farm, a 150 MW wind project in Pecos County, Texas.

The Elbow Creek Wind Project will be built on an approximately 6,700-acre tract of land. The ground elevation where wind turbines will be installed is approximately 2,800 feet above sea level. Early land rights to the project were acquired from Wind Plus Holdings, Inc.

About NRG and Padoma Wind Power

A Fortune 500 company, NRG Energy, Inc. owns and operates a diverse portfolio of power-generating facilities, primarily in Texas and the Northeast, South Central and West regions of the United States and also in Australia, Germany and Brazil. NRG is a member of USCAP, a diverse group of business and environmental organizations calling for mandatory legislation to achieve significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. NRG is also a founding member of "3C–Combat Climate Change," a global initiative with 42 business leaders calling on the global business community to take a leadership role in designing the road map to a low carbon society. More information on NRG is available at

Padoma Wind Power LLC’s principals have developed, financed, built and operated more than 40 wind farms in the United States and Europe. 

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