Largest Commercial Building in the World to Retrofit for Energy Efficiency

Published on: March 31, 2008

The largest commercial building in the world, Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, will be the first U.S. facility to undergo energy efficiency upgrades under the Clinton Climate Initiative’s (CCI) Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program.

The 4.2 million-square-feet building that is 25 stories tall and spans two city blocks in downtown Chicago, was already awarded the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED-EB) status from the United States Green Buildings Council in November 2007.

Under the CCI Project Development Agreement, TAC, energy services company, will implement additional facility improvements and energy-saving measures in the historic building.

In February, Johnson Controls signed CCI’s first global contract to cut energy use and emissions from the largest shopping mall in India’s largest city, Mumbai.

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