Labor Unions and the Green Economy

Published on: March 13, 2008

Efforts to combat global warming present dilemmas for organized labor, as some unions, like those including coal miners and auto workers, may face job losses as the national economy shifts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Blue-Green Alliance, founded in 2006 by the Sierra Club and the United Steelworkers is hosting a first-of-its-kind conference in Pittsburgh that will bring together advocates representing labor, business, the environment and policy makers to discuss ways to promote a new green economy.

Participants in the conference include heavy hitters from organized labor, including some who have previously kept away from actions addressed to global warming. Both U.S. labor federations, the AFL-CIO and Change to Win, are listed as conveners. So are unions such as the Service Employees, Industrial Division of the Communication Workers, Operating Engineers Local 95, United Food and Commercial Workers and United Steelworkers.

"Labor’s War on Global Warming" explains how the Blue-Green Alliance in just a few short years has successfully rallied political and popular support–where there previously was none–for combating global climate change.

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