GE, Toyota Are Dominant Green Brands – Survey

Published on: March 11, 2008

Presented with a mix of 12 companies representing various industries, consumers chose GE (81%), followed by Toyota (65%), as the company most committed to using or providing renewable energy, according to a new survey.

The third EcoPinion survey on green brands and brand messaging highlighted the fact that very few brands have any resonance in the market for green products and services, according to EcoAlign, the marketing agency who commissioned the survey.

"There is a great opportunity to become a green brand leader with the right commitment and marketing approach," stated Andrea Fabbri, COO and Chief Marketing Officer of EcoAlign. "But the current emphasis on public relations and advertising is not going to do it alone."

He added that consumers largely have a neutral, wait-and-see stance on company commitments and leadership on renewable energy, energy efficiency and the environment. 

Findings from the EcoPinion Survey Report include:

  • 54% of consumers could not name, on an unaided basis, a company who supplied renewable or "green" energy.
  • 71% of respondents were not familiar, on an aided basis, with ten "pure play" companies in the renewable and green energy space.
  • When asked about how committed respondents thought their electric utilities are to promoting or providing renewable energy or energy efficiency, ratings were about evenly split: 31% thought not at all committed, 36% were neutral and 33% rated the commitment level "7" or higher on a ten-point scale.
  • 77% of consumers think that an energy-efficient or green operational model is the single most important quality of a corporation trying to be an environmental leader.
  • Respondents were asked to rate their familiarity with various terms. 71% rated their level of familiarity "8-10" with the term "energy efficiency," versus only 53% for "going green."


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