Founding Plug Power Executive Running for Congress

Published on: March 6, 2008

The founding chief executive of fuel-cell developer Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: PLUG) has decided to run for Congress.

Gary Mittleman, who led Plug Power from its startup in 1997, plans to announce his candidacy on Thursday for the 21st Congressional District in New York, according to a report by The Business Review.

Mittleman, who said he has been a registered Democrat for 18 years, will be running for the seat of retiring Representative Michael McNulty.

Mittleman grew the New York-based Plug Power from 22 employees to 500, according to The Business Review report, and saw the company’s stock rise as high as $150 share after reporting as much as $135 million in losses during the first three years of operation.

Naturally, Mittleman said he will focus on energy issues, as well as the economy and health care.

"It’s becoming increasingly clear the major issues facing the country need to be addressed by people with firsthand knowledge and experience in those areas," Mittleman said. "Our current career politicians just aren’t getting the job done. I have the background and I have the ideas to change things."


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