Feed-In Tariffs Proposed for East Coast and Midwest

By Paul Gipe

In a week of state action on feed-in tariffs, Rhode Island legislators became the first on the east coast to launch debate on the policy that would pay renewable energy producers for supplying unused energy to the grid.

Rhode Island Representative Raymond Sullivan, Jr. (D-District 29) introduced H 7616 to create the Rhode Island Renewable Energy Sources Act Tuesday, February 26. If passed, the bill could have a big impact on other states on America’s eastern seaboard.

Representative Sullivan’s H 7616 follows a pattern that has now been replicated in several other states. The bill is based upon Michigan’s HB 5218 introduced by Representative Kathleen Law in the fall of 2007.

Currently there are similar bills proposing a full system of feed-in tariffs in Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota.

There are also related bills in California though none following what has become known as the "Michigan Model".

Minnesota Legislation

On Thursday, February 28, Minnesota State Representative David Bly, (DFL 25B) introduced HF 3537, calling on his state to implement a system of renewable energy feed-in tariffs patterned after those in Germany.

Germany leads the world in wind and solar energy development as a result of its feed-in tariff policies. Recently, several states in America’s heartland have introduced bills to replicate Germany’s success.

Minnesota has a long history of progressive public policy and HF 3537 follows that tradition. The bill requires electric utilities to accept generation from renewable power produces that is "fed into" the grid and pay for that generation. The price that will be paid for the renewable electricity is specified in the legislation.

Unlike other states considering feed-in tariffs, Minnesota’s proposed law limits feed-in tariffs to "community-based" projects connected at distribution voltages. Nevertheless, the definition of what constitutes a community-based project is broad and can include projects with outside ownership up to 49% of the equity.

HF 3537 also restricts voluntary transfers of financial interests in projects with feed-in tariffs to other Minnesota residents. Like the bills in Michigan and Illinois, there are no project size caps, nor specific program caps in HF 3537. However, HF 3537 is intended to move the state toward fulfilling its renewable energy targets.

In 2007, Minnesota enacted its renewable energy standard calling for the state to supply 27.5% of its electricity with renewable energy by 2025, and instituted a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050. Representative Bly’s HF 3537 directs the Public Utilities Commission to periodically adjust the feed-in tariffs to meet these targets.

Representative Bly’s HF 3537 is the third feed-in tariff bill introduced in the Midwest. Representative Kathleen Law introduced HB 5218 into the Michigan House of Representatives last fall, and Representative Karen May introduced HB 5855, the Illinois Renewable Energy Sources Act, earlier this month.

As in Michigan’s HB 5218, Representative Bly’s bill would create a full system of feed-in tariffs with prices for an array of renewable energy technologies. Currently, the only true feed-in tariff system in North America is the limited program offered in Ontario, Canada that pays $0.11 CAD/kWh for wind, hydro, and biomass, and $0.42/kWh for solar photovoltaic generation. The tariffs proposed in HF 3537 are equivalent to those in Germany and match those proposed in Michigan, and Illinois.

* Hydro less than 500 kW: $0.10 USD/kWh
* Biogas less than 150 kW: $0.145 USD/kWh
* Geothermal less than 5 MW: $0.19 USD/kWh
* Wind: $0.105 USD/kWh
* Wind energy from small wind turbines: $0.25 USD/kWh
* Rooftop solar less than 30 kW: $0.65 USD/kWh
* Solar façade cladding less than 30 kW: $0.71 USD/kWh

Before becoming law, the bill must pass both the House and Senate and must be signed by Governor Tim Pawlenty (R).


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