Fat Spaniel, EnerWorks Partner on Solar Hot Water Systems

Published on: March 24, 2008

Fat Spaniel Technologies, Inc., is partnering with renewable energy systems manufacturer EnerWorks Inc. to deliver smart solar hot water systems.

The joint product offering integrates Fat Spaniel’s monitoring and reporting services with EnerWorks’ Solar Energy Units for commercial and industrial-scale hot water generation. The turnkey solution enables simplified installation, maintenance and billing to maximize return on investment for customers throughout North America.

"By combining our trusted energy monitoring and monetization capabilities with EnerWorks’ innovative solar thermal products, we are working together to streamline every aspect of solar hot water, from system deployment through operations and maintenance, which maximizes return on investment," said Chris Beekhuis, president and CTO of Fat Spaniel Technologies. 

EnerWorks Solar Energy Systems complement existing electric, natural gas, propane or oil-powered water heating services, providing users with clean energy and a real reduction in their monthly utility bill. With metered solar hot water, utilities can shed load without it impacting their revenues. Designed for use in larger hot water applications such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, hotels, condos, apartments, community and recreation centers, pools and office buildings, Fat Spaniel’s integrated monitoring system remotely tracks water flow and temperature data as well as ambient weather conditions. 

As part of the joint offering, EnerWorks supplies and installs the system through its project partners. Customers then have the option to enter into an agreement for Fat Spaniel’s monitoring and reporting services.

About Fat Spaniel Technologies

Based in San Jose, Calif., Fat Spaniel Technologies, Inc. is a provider of monitoring and reporting services for distributed, renewable energy systems–enabling more efficient diagnostics and maintenance, more compelling visualization, and more usable revenue-grade data for billing, REC trading and performance-based incentives. Fat Spaniel acts as an independent monitoring service provider and delivers information that is used by system owners, system installers, PPA service providers, equipment manufacturers, project financing firms, renewable energy credit markets and energy utility regulatory agencies. 

About EnerWorks

EnerWorks develops and manufactures proprietary renewable energy appliances for residential, commercial and industrial markets. In the residential market, EnerWorks’ solar water heating appliances meet all applicable certifications, complement existing water-heating services and provide users with clean energy and a real reduction in energy costs. 

Website: http://www.fatspaniel.com     
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