DOE Designates 12 More 'Solar America Cities'

Published on: March 31, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has designated 12  "Solar America Cities" that will receive special funding to expand their commitment to developing sustainable solar power infrastructures. These cities join a list of 13 cities selected in 2007.

DOE Secretary Samuel W. Bodman announced at the New Frontiers in Energy Summit 2008 in Denver that his agency will make available up to $2.4 million to the cities, to be combined with industry cost share and city funding, totaling a $12.1 million investment. 

The 2008 designated Solar America Cities include: Denver, CO; Houston, TX; Knoxville, TN; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN; Orlando, FL; Philadelphia, PA; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; San Jose, CA; Santa Rosa, CA; and Seattle, WA. 

Each city which will receive $200,000 from DOE to integrate a variety of solar energy technologies.

"These Solar America Cities aim to jumpstart integration of solar power and encourage other cities across the nation to follow suit," Secretary Bodman said. "The innovative programs already underway in each city will help us raise the bar of what’s possible, and will help cities and towns across America harness the tremendous potential of the sun."

In addition to the fiscal investment, DOE will also provide hands-on assistance from technical experts to help cities integrate solar technologies into energy planning, zoning and facilities; streamline local regulations and practices that affect solar adoption by residents and businesses; present solar financing options; and promote solar technology among residents and local businesses through outreach, curriculum development, and incentive programs. 

Cities selected are geographically diverse and have varying degrees of solar resources and experience with solar technologies. Each city will adopt a variety of approaches to building up their solar infrastructure and deploying cutting-edge technologies, which include solar water heating, photovoltaics, and large-scale solar thermal technology.

These awards follow $5.4 million in financial and technical assistance awarded to thirteen Solar America Cities selected in 2007, including: Ann Arbor, MI; Austin, TX; Berkeley, CA; Boston, MA; Madison, WI; New Orleans, LA; New York City, NY; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland, OR; Salt Lake City, UT; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; and Tucson, AZ, bringing the total number of Solar America Cities to 25.

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