Automotive X Prize Launches at New York Auto Show

Published on: March 21, 2008

The Automotive X PRIZE (AXP) officially launched yesterday at the New York auto show, kicking off an international competition worth at least $10 million dollars to whomever can convince judges their production-ready vehicle can achieve 100 miles per gallon. 

More than 60 teams from nine countries have already announced plans to compete for the purse, including high-profile electric car maker Tesla Motors, a team from Cornell University in New York and a team called Hybrid Attack from a high school in Pennsylvania.

The competition also announced the sponsorship of the auto insurance company, Progressive, as well as a partnership with the  U.S. Department of Energy, which will grant the the X PRIZE Foundation $3.5 million for a national education and outreach component aimed at inspiring a new generation of clean technology engineers.

The X Prize Foundation is the same organization that promoted space flight by awarding $10 million for the first privately funded group to fly into space. 

In late 2009, qualifiers will compete in a stage race designed to test the vehicles on speed and the distance they can travel. The race, which will be held in the U.S. will also test the vehicles in traffic and a range of terrain and weather conditions. 

The competition is open to all types of technology, and so far, none of the major auto manufacturers have announced plans to participate. 

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