Australian Cleantech Index Launches

Published on: March 11, 2008

An Index to track the performance of more than 75 Australian-listed stocks in the cleantech industry with a combined market capitalization of more than $13 billion launched today in Melbourne, reflecting the importance of the rapidly emerging industry.

The ACT Australian Cleantech Index, the first of its kind in Australia, will provide investors with a vehicle to diversify into the emerging cleantech investment category.

The new Index is an initiative of Australian Cleantech Consulting (ACT) which provides assessment and investment analysis for the cleantech sector.

John O’Brien, Managing Director of ACT, said concerns about climate change and energy consumption have led to greater interest in the cleantech industry and an increase in the economic value of clean technologies.

"For the first time we will be able to provide a picture of the Australian cleantech industry’s growth in a single measure," O’Brien said.

"In 2007 a trialled ACT Australian Cleantech Index outperformed both the ASX 200 as well as the ASX Small Ords," he said.

"The growth of the renewable energy sector in Australia will be driven by the Federal Government’s commitment to achieve 20% of energy generation from renewable sources by 2020."

The ACT Australian Cleantech Index includes over 75 companies, large and small, from Sims Metal Group with a market capitalization of over $3 billion to Skydome Holdings with a market capitalization of $5 million–plus a few outstanding performers with CBD Energy posting a 147% increase in returns over a six-month period to December 2007.

The ACT Australian Cleantech Index monitors companies across 14 industry sectors: solar; wind; biofuel; water; waste management/ recycling; energy efficiency, green buildings, biomaterials; energy storage, fuel cells; wave, tidal hydro; biogas generation; vehicle technologies; geothermal; carbon trading; environmental service providers; and ‘other’ additional companies providing sustainable outcomes.

According to the US-based Cleantech Network, international investor momentum in the Cleantech industry reached an all time high in 2007 with American and European venture capitalists investing a record US$1.74 billion in the third quarter, bringing the total to more than US$3.5 billion in 2007, an increase of 13% on the previous year.

The ACT Australian Cleantech Index will be updated each month and published on the ACT website. 

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