1SKy Delivers Climate Message to Congress

Published on: March 24, 2008

Supporters of the 1Sky campaign are in the process of visiting 240 Congressional district offices in all 50 states during the current Congressional recess, which lasts until March 31.

At each district office, supporters are presenting their Congressperson with copies of the 1Sky policy platform, which calls for the U.S to:

  • Conserve 20% of our energy by 2015, creating 5 million new green jobs focused on climate solutions and energy efficiency
  • reduce global warming pollution at least 25% below 1990 levels by 2020 and at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050
  • impose a moratorium on new coal plants and end fossil fuel dependence through strong standards and incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy

Liz Butler, Director of Field & Outreach for 1Sky, said that the campaign is attracting an unusually broad range of support. "So many people and organizations across the country know that our nation needs to take significant action to deal with climate change. They also know that action is only going to come if we unite behind a single movement-and that’s exactly what’s happening."

The 1Sky campaign has already gained the support of a diverse group of allies, including elected officials, student and business groups, and faith-based institutions, as well as organizations focused on health, civil society and the environment.

Partners in this month’s Congressional visits include Interfaith Power & Light, Energy Action Coalition (a national coalition of 47 student groups), Climate Solutions (WA, OR), Chesapeake Climate Action Network (MD, DC, VA), Greenpeace, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (FL, NC, TN).

Website: http://www.1sky.org     
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