Revolutionary Wind Turbine Approved

Published on: February 27, 2008

Environmental Technologies LLC hopes to begin installation of the world’s first grid-scale vertical-shaft wind turbine (VSWT) after receiving approval from the Town of Fallsburg Planning Board in New York. 

Environmental Technologies LLC said the VSWT design, which it has been working on for almost 19 years, is less than one-third the height of traditional wind turbines, yet produces twice the output.

The company, along with its engineering firm, Clough Harbour & Associates submitted an application to install a 1.25 megawatt VSWT at Sullivan County Community College in Loch Sheldrake, New York. 

Environmental Technologies LLC said the revolutionary wind turbine produces only as much noise a normal conversation, at a distance of 120 feet–estimated to be about 65 decibals. 

In addition, the company says the turbine won’t harm birds or bats because its slow rotation produces no motion smear–the cause of bird deaths from traditional wind turbines. 

Environmental Technologies LLC said the turbine could be operational by May. 


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