Newark Launches Green Collar Apprenticeship Program

Published on: February 21, 2008

A new apprenticeship program that will provide green jobs training to at-risk youths, veterans and ex-felons is part of a revitalization initiative for the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Newark, New Jersey.

The Green Collar Apprenticeship Program, or GreenCAP, will sponsor 100 trade licenses for Newark residents in plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems and provide hands-on training on LPCCD’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified construction projects.

GreenCAP graduates also will receive a green certificate to verify their classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

"LPCCD’s GreenCAP program is positioned to be a national best practice and provides an economic incentive for low-income people to join the green movement," comments City of Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker.

The program will be administered by LPCCD, CentrALL, the City of Newark, NewarkWorks, Essex County Vocational High School and Green For All, a national advocacy organization founded by green jobs pioneer, Van Jones.

"Green collar jobs rebuild a strong middle class and provide a pathway out of poverty but the jobs require some new skills," Van Jones said.

LPCCD says GreenCAP will provide the clean energy economy with a well-trained, world-class green workforce. In turn, the green economy will provide Newark’s working class higher wages, access to benefits and more career choices in a growing industry.

LPCCD’s goal is to transform the low-income neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey into an arts and cultural district. The arts and cultural district will include the building of 300 green mixed-income housing units, music festivals, historic restoration projects and the Museum of African American Music, a Smithsonian Institute affiliate.

LPCCD said there will be more than one million square feet of development, including eleven United States Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED Certified buildings that are at the center of the USGBC LEED-Neighborhood Development program.

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