Missouri Considers Biodiesel Mandate

Published on: February 22, 2008

The state of Missouri is considering legislation that would make it a major player in the biodiesel movement. A state Senate committee approved a bill mandating at least 5% biodiesel blend at all pumps by April 1, 2020.

Minnesota is currently the only state with a biodiesel standard.

Missouri is one of about a half-dozen states that mandates gasoline-ethanol blends. All gasoline sold in Missouri must contain 10% ethanol.

The bill is sponsored by Senate Transportation Chairman Bill Stouffer, (R-Napton), who said, "We can put Missouri in the forefront of biodiesel technology."

In addition to helping biodiesel producers in the state, Stouffer said the bill would benefit consumers and the state’s air quality.

According to a release by Stouffer’s office, the Missouri Department of Agriculture would be responsible for developing cold temperature operability standards for biodiesel.

The bill–SB759–is headed to the Senate floor for further consideration. If approved there, it would move to the House.


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