McCain Was No-Show on Renewables Incentives Vote

Published on: February 11, 2008

Last week the Senate fell one vote short in an attempt to pass tax incentives for the renewables industry as part of on economy-side stimulus package. 

Only one Senator was absent for the procedural vote that would have denied Republicans the opportunity to filibuster the measure. Turns out it was Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

Reportedly McCain was in Washington at the time of the vote, which has drawn the ire of environmentalist groups, like the Sierra Club, who are criticizing McCain for delivering campaign speeches full of pledges to increase America’s use of clean energy, but insuring the incentives measure would fail by abstaining from the vote.

"Despite what he says as he travels around the country, Senator McCain missed this important vote on clean energy," said Carl Pope, Executive Director of Sierra Club. "If Senator McCain had voted yes yesterday, he could have helped America have an economic stimulus package that saved renewable energy jobs and our environment at the same time."

Sierra Club launched a grassroots campaign last week urging citizens to call Senator McCain and tell him to be sure to show up and vote yes next time.

"We’re urging the public to contact Senator McCain and ask him why he failed to show up for a vote which could determine the future of green energy in America," added Pope. "What is more important than helping us reduce our reliance on dirty power that kept him from showing up to vote? Where is John McCain on Clean Energy?"

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