DOE Creates Enhanced Geothermal Team

Published on: February 14, 2008

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has formed a team that is drawing on the expertise of university researchers, industry, and federal laboratories and agencies to coax an additional 2-5 megawatts of power generation from geothermal wells.

The Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is being pursued at Desert Peak hydrothermal field in Nevada by representatives from DOE, ORMAT Nevada Inc, GeothermEx Inc., the University of Utah, USGS and the national laboratories.

According to the DOE, analyses are directed toward developing and executing a hydraulic stimulation program for an in-field, non-productive well of high temperature (>400°F). The team will try to create or enhance the permeability by injecting high pressure water.

The objective is to develop a large and complex underground heat exchanger that is capable of supporting additional power generation. So far, the DOE says it has invested more than $5 million dollars in the effort.

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