Ammonia-to-Hydrogen Company Receives New Facility

Published on: February 13, 2008

American Hydrogen Corp, a subsidiary of American Security Resources Corp.(ASRC) (OTCBB:ARSC), has taken possession of a new industrial facility from the Meigs County Community Improvement Corporation in Tuppers Plains, Ohio.

In a ceremony attended by more than 100 guests that included elected officials, university officials and business leaders from the State of Ohio, Meigs County, and Athens, Ohio, the new 31,600 square foot building was transferred to ASRC on February 1.

American Hydrogen has begun the process of setting up design and production facilities for its ammonia-to-hydrogen technology development in the building, which is approximately 20 minutes from the company’s offices at the Innovation Center at Ohio University.

"We are happy to welcome American Security Resources and this exciting technology to our community," said Paul Reed, President of the Meigs County Community Improvement Corporation. Mick Davenport, President of the Meigs County Board of Commissioners, added, "American Hydrogen will be a wonderful asset to this region and to the entire State of Ohio."

In summation, Frank Neukomm, Chairman of American Security Resources Corporation, stated, "In the future historians will look at this building and Meigs County as the ‘Cornerstone of the Hydrogen Economy’."

American Security Resources Corporation

ARSC is a holding company actively seeking to acquire and develop clean energy companies and technologies. ARSC’s Hydra Fuel Cell subsidiary has developed a high volume, mass producible hydrogen fuel cell. Its American Hydrogen Corp. subsidiary is commercializing an inexpensive method to produce hydrogen from ammonia. ARSC’s newly formed American Wind Power Corp. will be developing residential and small commercial vertical axis wind turbines. 


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