Miles Electric Vehicles Enters EU

Published on: January 22, 2008

California based manufacturer Miles Electric Vehicles has signed its first international distribution agreement with AllGreenVehicles of the Netherlands, which will bring the Miles low speed, all electric vehicle line to the three Benelux countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

AllGreenVehicles is affiliated with Noordam Performance, long-standing proponents of electric technology within the transportation industry. "The Noordam’s are leading suppliers in the all electric transportation field, and they understand the aspirations of fleets and consumers in the European Union to go green," stated Miles CEO, Jeff Boyd. "In addition, they believe in the viability of the growing low speed market as well as the highway speed market which Miles will be entering next year."

The venture, known as Miles-Benelux BV, will be responsible for EU Certification of MILES low speed vehicles as well as establishing sales and service channels in the Benelux countries. Miles-Benelux BV will be receiving its first allocation of Miles vehicles in January, and volume allocations will be available in Q208.

"We have researched all of the international companies that are trying to enter the all electric business, but only Miles Electric Vehicles has products that are available today…products that meet our safety, performance and quality requirements," Martijn Noordam, Principal of Miles-Benelux BV, said of the joint venture. 

About Miles Electric Vehicles 

Founded in 2005 by activist/entrepreneur Miles Rubin, Miles Electric Vehicles is headquartered in Santa Monica, Calif. and markets a line of low speed, all electric cars and trucks, which combine the best of U.S. electric motor and controller technology with China’s advanced battery and vehicle manufacturing capabilities. All Miles vehicles conform to U.S. NHTSA standards and are manufactured with safety and ease of use as prime considerations. To date the company has built a fleet customer base that includes the City of Chicago, NASA, UCLA, Cal State Polytechnic University, and the U.S. Navy. Miles is currently developing an affordable, all electric highway speed vehicle for distribution in 2009. Recently, MILES was named "2007 Electric Car Company of the Year" by GoodCleanTech.

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