Massive Wind Turbine To Be Developed In North England

Published on: January 22, 2008

California energy giant Clipper Windpower, Plc has chosen Blyth, Northumberland in the United Kingdom as the site for a new generation of offshore wind turbines, according to a release by one of the project’s investors. 

Called the "Britannia Project," the $65 million development program will use 7.5 megawatt (MW) Clipper turbine technology, which will be among the largest and most powerful offshore turbines in the world. With a 30-year design life, it will generate electricity equivalent of one million barrels of oil, according to the release.

North England’s Centre of Excellence for New and Renewable Energy (NaREC) will provide engineering, testing and development services in support of the project. 

James G. P. Dehlsen, Chairman and CEO of Clipper, said, "We established the Project in support of the U.K. Government’s ambitious plans to generate more than 20% of the country’s electricity from renewable sources. This is both a responsible and necessary endeavor considering growing worldwide concerns over global warming and climate change."

"We are also very pleased with the capability of the local area which provides excellent regional university capability for support of offshore wind technology development, particularly through the NaREC and the Marine Design Centre’s expertise in marine technology and science," he added.

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